Personality Traits Of Sports Coaches And Their Relationship To Team Cohesion

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Mohamed Ouddak, Taieb Gueracha, Mehdi Youcef Achira, Abderrezak Boudouani, Salah Rebouh, Mohamed Sadaoui, Aziz Khellafi, Soufiane Mahi


This article highlights to identify the phenomenon of cohesion within sports teams and to examine the relationship between the personality of the sports coach and the cohesion of the team he supervises as a leader. Since our subject falls within psychological and social studies, the most appropriate approach to this research is descriptive. We used the Sports Trainer Personality Profile Scale and the Sports Team Cohesion Scale, and the sample consisted of 180 players (12 from each team) and 15 coaches representing 15 clubs.
The results demonstrate a correlation between the sports coach's characteristics and the team's cohesion. The coach's personality significantly influences the sports team's morale and its players' cohesion. The results also highlight that some characteristics influence more significantly than others based on their correlation coefficients. The coach's ability to adopt leadership styles that align with the situation and the characteristics of team players—along with emotional harmony, self-esteem, self-confidence, decision-making ability, and responsibility—plays a crucial role in shaping the team's character. Traits such as creativity, ambition, and flexibility also contribute significantly.

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