The Effect Of Using Electronic Boards On The Digital Achievement Of Individual Physical Activities In The Physical Education And Sports Session

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Ben Toumi Zineelaebdine, Guettab Mohamed, Aidi Mourad, Zinai Billal


The study aimed to explore the impact of electronic boards on the digital outcomes of individual sports activities, including speed running, long jump, and shot put for students in physical education sessions. Twenty-four middle school students, aged 12-13, were randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group received an educational programme using electronic boards, where stages of motor performance for various sports activities discussed in physical education sessions were displayed; while the control group employed traditional methods. After 24 weeks, the experimental group demonstrated greater improvement in digital performance compared to the control group. The results suggest that electronic boards enhance learning outcomes in motor performance for sports activities. Utilizing technology such as electronic boards can be beneficial in educational sessions for middle school sports, potentially improving engagement, and skill development for students.

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