The Effect of Metacognitive and Self-Systems on Indonesian Language Learning with the Concept of Assessment Based on Marzano Digital Assessment

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Subyantoro, M Harsa Bahtiar


The learning outcome evaluation activities carried out by educators currently tend only to cover cognitive and psychomotor aspects. The learning process and students' learning attitudes are often considered difficult to assess because there is no way to obtain these values validly and reliably. As a result, many educators find it difficult to derive metacognitive scores and self-systems and choose not to carry out these assessments. At the high school level, the need for students to get good and appropriate teaching from educators is necessary to develop a future mindset. An assessment concept called Marzano Digital Assessment (MDA) can be implemented to assess students based on three aspects, namely, cognitive aspects, metacognitive aspects, and aspects of the self-system. This study aimed to determine the effect of the Marzano Digital Assessment on Indonesian language learning at high school. The research sample was taken using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument data analysis technique used the validity and reliability test, the difficulty level of the questions, and the different power while testing the sample using the correlative test. The results of the analysis of the metacognitive effect on students' cognitive showed the regression equation based on the results of the data analysis was y = 28,208 + 0.700 X with tvalue 4.567 greater than ttabel 0.482, which means that metacognitive has a positive effect on students' cognitive values, while the results of the analysis of the influence of the self-system on participants' cognitive Students show the regression equation based on the results of data analysis is y = 39.080 + 0.554 X with tvalue 3.282 greater than ttabel 0.482, which means that the self-system has a positive effect on the cognitive value of students. From the analysis, it is known that there is a relationship between cognitive, metacognitive, and self-systems values. Based on these results, educators can use the Marzano Digital Assessment to improve teaching and learning activities through cognitive, metacognitive, and self-system assessments.

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