Alimova Sabokhat Gaziyevna
Doctor of philosophy (PhD),
in economics
Assistant professor
Tashkent medical akademi, Uzbekistan
Email Address: saboxat.alimova[at]

Kurbanova Shakhnoza Irkinovna
Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Medicine,
Associate Professor
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Email Address: shahnoza.kurbanova5[at]

Sadullayeva Hosiyat Abdurakhmonovna
Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Environmental Hygiene Department at Tashkent Medical Academy
Email Address: x.sadullayeva71[at]

Samigova Nargiz Raimovna
Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Medicine,
Associate Professor
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Email Address: nargizsam[at]

Guzal Faxritdinovna Sherkuzieva
Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Medicine,
Associate Professor
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan.
Email Address: guzal.sherquzieva[at]

Salomova Feruza Ibodullayevna
Doctor of Medical sciences (DSc), Head of the Department of Environmental Hygiene at Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Email Address: fsalomova[at]

Guzal Tulkinovna Iskandarova
Doctor of sciences
Medicine (DSc), Professor
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Email Address: guzaltulkinovna[at]

Dr A.P Singh

University of Cardiff

Email Address:

S. G. Ahmed
Professor of computational Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Zagazig University

Dr Davronova Dildora Saidovna
An associate professor of Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Email Address: dildora7575[at]