The free-market system and the question of the economic system in Iraq - an intellectual vision

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Prof. Dr. Adnan Mnati Salih


The Economic system was found to gather with the finding of non-primitive communities. It represents the basis, mechanisms, laws and measure the concern with economical life of countries. On reading the history of these communities had shown what had been developed from it was based on the economic system that expresses the characteristics and needs of society. Iraq since the foundation of its modern country, and during the last century had experienced a different economical system which all led to decline in its economy and caused in economical, social problems specially since 2003 with adoptions of this economic system (free market economy) that the capitalist Countries worked with that shown successful experimental application in obtaining progress in economy and social life, while Iraq failed to succeed because it does not own the constituents of this system This means that the alternative suit and in harmony with the characteristics of Iraqi society to satisfy their needs to solves its crises and problems is (social market system) which combined between the advantages of the two system ( capitalist and socialist) that adopted by many countries even the capitalist countries were successful in achieving progress in economy and social life that combined between the sustainable development and social justice .

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