Developing Non-Profit Sector’s Participation in Funding Public Education in KSA in View of Global Experiences

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GHALBA FAISAL HADJAN ALDAJANI, Dr. Khawlah Abdullah Mohammed Almufeez


This study aims to identify justifications for non-profit sector’s participation in funding public education in KSA, and a review of global experiences in the field of non-profit sector participation in financing public education, and indicate how can avail of such experiences to improve non-profit sector’s participation in funding public education in KSA. To achieve study objectives, the researchers used the documentary descriptive approach, literature reviews, scientific studies and websites that addresses non-profit sector’s participation in funding public education and analyze its content. Study findings revealed that there were many justifications for non-profit sector’s participation in funding public education i.e., external challenges of education regime such as globalization, world competitiveness, knowledge revolution, information and communication technology, transition towards market economics and knowledge-economics, and Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the study findings revealed that there were many local challenges included but not limited to population, social and geographical challenges, and economic challenges such as dependence on public funding, Imbalance between capital expenditure and operational expenditure, poor annual cost efficiency of students. Furthermore, there are educational challenges such as low internal and external efficiency of public education. Study findings revealed also that the global experiences had long-established experience in providing public education services, the domains of funding differed and varied from State to State, from NPO to NPO, but intersects in many kinds of funding that can be utilized in developing Non-Profit Sector’s Participation in funding public education through supporting and funding educational services and their support services. The study recommends to avail of the global experiences in developing the Non-Profit Sector’s Participation in funding public education in KSA, and raise social awareness of Non-Profit-Sector’s Participation in funding public education and highlighting its role in development via different mass media, and to develop rules and legalizations that enables establishing NPO specialized in public education.       

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