Micro-watershed management and quality of life of the inhabitants of Quera, Huánuco 2021

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Melecio Paragua Morales, Abimael Adam Francisco Paredes, Hitlser Juan Castillo Paredes, Juan José Palomino Ochoa, Carlos Alberto Ramírez Chumbe, Inés Eusebia Jesús Tolentino, Nicéforo Bustamante Paulino


The purpose of the study is to prove that there is a high relationship between micro-watershed management and quality of life in the inhabitants of San Sebastián de Quera in Huánuco; for this purpose, correlational research and non-experimental design were developed with a sample of 300 families. The data were collected with an evaluated test designed with four dimensions for variable one, and the instrument for variable two was designed without dimensions and with ten items; simple linear regression was used for data processing, obtaining the following result and conclusion: The null hypothesis is rejected since 0,8518≥0,164; consequently, it is concluded that there is a high positive relationship between Micro-watershed Management and Quality of Life (Manejo de microcuencas and Calidad de Vida) in the inhabitants of San Sebastián de Quera, and coherent with the hypothesis test, it is affirmed that micro-watershed management has a high explanatory power of (72,56 %) on the variability of the Quality of Life of the inhabitants of San Sebastián de Quera in Huánuco.

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