Problematics Of Development Of Agrotourism In New Urban Area Of Geragai, East Of Tanjung Jabung District, Jambi Province

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Slamet Rahmat TS, Retno Anggraini, Lisa Yuniarti


Building a new growth center in the transmigration area is not easy and requires a lot of financial support to build the facilities needed as a city requirement. This development has been launched since 2007, which has gradually been established as many as 144 New Urban Areas. As an illustration in its development, the New Urban Area of ​​Geragai appeared many obstacles to its continuation. Constraints in planning, cost support, Human Resources Management of the Area and surrounding population, and construction and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to explore the problems in the development of New Urban Areas with the case in New Urban Areas of Geragai. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method, carried out by observation, discussion with the implementer. The results showed that there were still many problems related to the change in development into tourism and agricultural education areas. For sustainable development, New Urban Areas facilities and infrastructure needed are used for district government offices. The development of tourism area still does not involve the surrounding community to elevate the local culture. Agro-tourism business managers are still carried out by regional governments / local government agencies and have not provided guidance to the people who will manage them in the form Joint Village-Owned Enterprise (JVOE).


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