Parental Satisfaction in the Online Learning Process in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Compassion Aspect

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Nobita Triwijayanti, Rusdarti, Muhammad Khafid, Titi Prihatin


The aim of this study is to find out how the responses and opinions of parents towards the online learning process during the covid-19. This research is a descriptive qualitative research by doing data triangulations including interviews, observations and documentations. The research subjects in this study are principals, teachers, students and parents. This study uses a parental satisfaction questionnaire, and interview guidance. The results showed that parental satisfaction in the online learning process was low. It is because the online learning process required the entirely role of parents in the learning process. In the other side, the majority of parents are busy. It made them not being able to monitor the learning process optimally. In addition, the obstacles in the online learning process are internet access and the availability of learning media which is still lacking. So, it interferes to the learning process. The compassion aspect also plays a role on how students learn. Aspects of compassion or love in the learning process build the characters and attitudes of the students well. Besides that it is also able to increase the students' motivation in the learning process.

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