Internalizing The Values of Madura Local Wisdom “Karapan Sapi” For Student Character Development

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Rusmiyati, Andi Mappiare-AT, M. Ramli, Blasius Boli Lasan


This study aims to explore, deepen, and compare Madurese ethnic speech and the actions that appear in implementing noble cultural values that are considered important and acceptable to the Madurese community. Values that are important to the older generation are then passed on to the younger generation as a resource in facing global life. The local wisdom of the Madurese ethnic who has become the prima donna and is known to the world community is "Karan Sapi". In it the conditions with the value of struggle, self-respect, and economics. Individual benchmarks are accepted by ethnic Madurese based on "tengkah" (polite manners) so that the term "ajaga tengkah ajaga nak potoh" appears to take care of "tengkah" to take care of children and grandchildren. The noble values of the Madurese are religious and ecological. This study uses a qualitative method with a critical discourse analysis approach and an ethnographic approach. After doing the research, measurement of validity using data triangulation. Based on the results of the study, the data obtained are as follows: (1) the main character of the Madurese ethnicity is never afraid to face life, (2) the philosophy of life is more on spiritual orientation, (3) makes work a field of worship, (4) respects the older generation and gently educate the younger generation, (5) concern for their rights and responsibilities, (6) high loyalty to the community, (7) maintain ethics when dealing with others, (8) open.

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