The Influence of Local Culture on Mothers During Pregnancy on Stunting Incidence

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Sutarto, Neti Yuliana, Samsu Udayana Nurdin, Dyah Wulan Sumekar Rengganis Wardani


Introduction: Dietary taboos and maternal beliefs and practices during pregnancy can hurt the culture of the mother and the fetus she contains so that the baby is malnourished and at risk of stunting.

Methods: This study used an observational method with a case-control design. The sampling technique was simple random sampling with mothers under-five aged 24-59 months as respondents at Candi Rejo Health Center, Central Lampung Regency with a total of 114 respondents. The independent variables of the study were the behaviour of maternal dietary restrictions during pregnancy and the beliefs of the mother's cultural practices during pregnancy on the incidence of stunting.

Results, Discussion: The largest age group for toddlers is 24-35 months, and the biological mother's age ranges from 20-38 years. Chi-square statistical test, the effect of maternal dietary restrictions during pregnancy on the incidence of stunting at Candi Rejo Health Center, Lampung Regency, Odd Ratio 72.25. The chi-square statistical test showed that the behaviour of carrying out maternal cultural beliefs and practices during pregnancy on the incidence of stunting at the Candi Rejo Health Center, Lampung Regency with an Odds Ratio of 88,400. Pregnant women who abstain from eating fish are believed by the public that milk will smell fishy.

Conclusion: There is an effect of dietary restrictions on pregnant women on the incidence of stunting and the influence of maternal cultural beliefs during pregnancy on the incidence of child stunting.


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