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The use of bone marrow for transplantation is used all over the world to help patients who were previously doomed to die. The possibilities of the bone marrow have been studied by less than 50%. The new functions of the bone marrow have yet to be learned and studied, and most importantly, to unlock the full potential of bone marrow cells. In the last decade, cell therapy has been actively developing and being introduced into clinical practice. In this regard, the bone marrow is becoming increasingly important as the main "niche" of stem cells. For normal life and performance of basic functions, which include self-renewal and differentiation, stem cells (SC) need a microenvironment with constant parameters and properties. Among the tissue in which stem cells are located, the presence of various types of auxiliary cells is necessary, only when these conditions are present, stem cells can function. The accumulated data made it possible to create a hypothesis about the existence of two different stem cell niches in the bone marrow: mesenchymal and hematopoietic. To maintain cells in an undifferentiated state, it is necessary to maintain the constancy of the microenvironment, which includes the extracellular matrix, a certain pH, the concentration of electrolytes, certain cellular elements. The constancy of homeostasis creates optimal conditions for stem cells and excludes early differentiation.

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