Qualitative Research Methods on Empirical Research Studies of Legal Science

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Ririn Nurfaathirany Heri, Muhammad Aswan, Sarwirini, Astutik, Heri Tahir


Research is an orderly and purposeful systematic activity through systematic, logical and rational scientific studies that make the entire process of scientific writing a logical explanation that collaborates between theory and data. The purpose of this research is to discuss and describe various things about qualitative research methods for the benefit of research studies in legal science, especially in empirical research studies. This research uses literature studies by looking for references from documents and literature studies that are relevant to the case or problem found. The results of the study are to get information that qualitative approaches can solve problems related to talking about humans, human legal behavior, and how humans interpret the law. Law is a system that cannot work or operate on its own, but is in a life of society whose elements are related to one another. Therefore, to determine the research method to be used depends on 1) the problem to be solved, 2) the approval of the research, 3) the type of data obtained.


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