Tour guide behavior and its impact on travel motives An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers of tourism companies in the province of Baghdad

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Laila Jawad Hussein Al Masoudi, Dr. Amal Kamal Hassan Al-Barzanji


Tour guides are considered the mirror of the company and their behaviors have the most important and lasting impact on tourists. Therefore, researchers interested in the provision of tourism services focus on paying attention to these behaviors and how to develop them. The research started with a major problem: does the behavior of the tour guide have an impact on travel motives? Several sub-questions emerged from the main question, including (Is there a correlation between the behavior of the tour guide and the motives for travel?), and the importance lies in the fact that the study is recent and was conducted on a number of tourism companies in Baghdad to increase knowledge and enhance their future capabilities. The goal was to see the nature of the companies’ work And the relationship between the two variables, and then adopting the descriptive inferential approach to analyze the sample answers about the paragraphs of the questionnaire, which included managers and employees of the companies surveyed. Relative significance, correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, Mahalanobis test, multiple linear regression, F test, coefficient of determination, sequential regression) mediated by the statistical program (SPSS V.24) and the statistical program (AMOS V.24). Among the conclusions, the most prominent of which was the presence of a significant statistical significance for the behavior variable of the tour guide in the motives of travel), while the most important recommendations were to emphasize the behavior of the tour guide and his response with all tourists to achieve a The goal of the indicative process in the framework of tourism work.

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