Legal Protection Consumers Associated with Insurance Regulations Especially Claims Settlement in Indonesia's Economic Development (Case Study of Marine Hull Insurance)

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Marihot Simanjuntak, Wiwik Sri Widiarty, Eddy Damian


The focus of the problems studied in this study, namely how the law is just for consumers and how to settle claims that are fair and what are the benefits of renewal or Novelty for consumers and insurance industry players that can help the development of the Indonesian economy. The method used in this study is a normative judicial approach, and the type of research chosen is descriptive analysis. The claims mechanism is determined by the insurer from the beginning and agreed upon at the end of the ship's hull and machinery insurance. Both parties need to understand in detail the contents of the ship's hull and machinery insurance policy, which is derived from the Marine Insurance Act 1906, as a document or evidence of the occurrence of a marine transport insurance agreement for legal risks that may arise during transportation. Both parties can foresee the future.

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