The Implementation of Foreign Language Learning for PTKIN Students in Indonesia

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Ahmad Muradi, Fatwiah Noor, Danial Hilmi, Jamal Syarif, Arif Rahman Hakim


Language as a tool of communication takes an important part of human life. Along with the times, a language is being a prerequisite to achieve success. Foreign languages those are recognized by United Nations needs to be mastered in order to survive in the international world. Islamic Higher education as a place of education must provide students with foreign language skills for their future.  Various ways have been carried out by Islamic higher education in improving the mastery of these foreign languages. The aims of this study is to explore how the implementation of foreign language learning for State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) in Indonesia. This study is a field research and it is conducted with qualitative approaches. The samples of this study are taken in three State Islamic Universities. They are UIN Raden Intan Lampung, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and UIN Alauddin Makasar. Data collection is done by interview and documentation. Data were analyzed using Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman and Johnny Saldana models, namely condensation, data display and conclusion verification. The results of this study shows that the implementation of foreign language learning at the three UINs uses two ways, namely a decentralized curriculum and a centralized curriculum with the nadzariyah al waihdah approach or all in one system approach.

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