Spatial assessment and planning of the rights of people with disabilities in accessible primary education: Baghdad Governorate as a model

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Raghad Wadood Dawood Salman, Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Al Kaabi


The study discusses the image of the spatial variation of the dimensions of the rights of the population with disabilities to the right of  accessible primary education in the province of Baghdad, and the disclosure of the nature of the demographic and spatial variables that contributed to the existence of this variation, and the evaluation of the nature of educational policies adopted by governments during many years regarding this population segment. The results showed a spatial variation (quantitative and qualitative) for the rights of this group that contributed to spatial inequality events according to district , as the results recorded a large dropout rate for enrollment in primary education for several reasons explained by the study, and deprivation according to the environmental gap (Rural and Urban), and quality between (males and females). , according to the type of disability and the districts of the study area. The study recommended the necessity of finding the appropriate legislative environment for the success of the education policy in Iraq and activating the role of institutions concerned with enforcing the rights of people with disabilities and eliminating gender disparity and equal and comprehensive access to all levels of education without discrimination, while adopting the global movement for liberation from private institutions that are characterized by their insufficiency and insufficient geographical distribution , And speeding up the implementation of the national document for the comprehensive integration of people with disabilities in regular schools and overcoming the challenges that stand in the way of achieving this.     

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