Focus Of The Presentation: Some Models And Theories That Explain The Phenomenon Of Child Sexual Abuse

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Djeddou Abdelhafid


The phenomenon of violence is one of the oldest human phenomena, evolving over time and taking different forms due to the diversity of cultures and societies. Sexual harassment is a common form of violence perpetrated against children in all these societies, regardless of factors such as descent, religion, language or others. Recently, the issue of sexual harassment of children has received considerable attention from many countries, international organisations, media and academic circles, highlighting the phenomenon of child sexual abuse due to its alarming prevalence and its integration into the daily lives of children and society.
The consequences of such abuse lead to painful and destructive social and psychological effects on the child, changing his or her life and having a profound impact on him or her. Sexual abuse of children is considered one of the most serious crimes recorded in societies and becomes a social, psychological and legal problem due to its negative impact on the child’s life in various psychological, behavioural, social and emotional aspects. In addition, the effects extend to society as a whole, often affecting later stages of an individual’s life.
As a result, many researchers have attempted to explain child sexual abuse, with varying interpretations due to differences in cultural, theoretical and epistemological backgrounds. This research paper aims to present and discuss some models and theories that explain the phenomenon of child sexual abuse, specifying their meanings, the implications of sexual abuse, its causes, forms and the resulting effects.

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