Ilmul Dabt: Research, Review Of Initiatives And Evolutionists And Racists Specious

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Sara Bano , Dr. Hafiz Anas Nazar , Dr. Hafiz Hussain Azhar , Hafiz Muhammad Usman , Dr. HM Azhar Usama


The accurate writing is a fundamental requirement for correct recitation of The Quran. The foundation and quality of writing is based on “Ilm-al-Rasm” and in quality of Qirat is largely based on “Ilm-al-Zabt”. Ilm-al-Zabt is divided into “Nuqat-al-   A’raab” and “Nuqat-al-A’jaam”. Nuqat-al- A’raab means the signs which through light on “Al-harakah” “Sukoon, Tashdid, and Madd, etc. Nuqat-al-A’jaam implies The signs which eliminate the confusion found between letters and cause the phonetic and facial recognition of different letters which we know as the “Nuqat of letters”. The letters with Nuqat are called “Mujam letters” and without Nuqat are called “Mouhmal letters”. Initially, Quran was empty from all these signs. Due to the need of time this knowledge was innovated in Ameer Mauwia’s Era (died 65.H) which was initially imposed by the Imam of time Abu Aswad Aldwali (69) on the order of Ziaad bin abi Ziaad (53) in the shape of round dots with the different colours of inks from the colour of Musaf’s ink. Then Imam Al-Nasr bin-Asim -Al-Lysi (89.H) and imam Yahya ibne Yamar Al- Udwani (129.H) applied the dots on letters with the Ink as same of Mushaf’s ink in order to distinguish the confusing letters by the command of Hajaj bin Yousaf (95.H) in Abdul Malak bin Marwan (86.H) reign. After this Imam Khalil bin Ahmad Al Fraheedi (170.H) changed the “Nuqat-al-Araab” into “Harkaat” giving them beautiful shapes in order to remove the difficulties to differentiate different dots and made these signs symbolic with different names like “Fatah”, “Damma”, “Kasrah”, “Sukoon”, “Tashdid”, and “Madd” etc. Initially different point of views were found about “Ilm-al-Dabat” because it was invented after the era of Prophet (PBUH) and Khulfhaa-e-Rashedeen and it is just like as Abu Bakar Saddique (R.A) combined the Mushaf in scriptures but after this scholar approved it as “Al-Mustahab”. Moreover, the scholar of Muslim Ummah agreed upon “Istehbab” of “Al-Nuqat”. Apart from these non-Muslims scholars blamed that Muslims are changing the Quran through “Ilm-al-Dabat”. Some Muslims scholars prostrated from Western way of thinking and by becoming the victim of conspiracies protest against “Ilm-al-Dabat” which is nothing than a fruitless effort. A major reason for the opponent’s effort is that a few Muslims are engaged in the field of this knowledge.

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