Effect Of Maternal Overprotection On Achievement Motivation Of Primary School Students

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Farmanul Haq , Dr. Asghar Ali , Dr. Iqbal Ahmad


The main objectives of the study were to unveil the impact of maternal protection on achievement motivation of primary school students and find out the relationship of maternal protection level with achievement motivation of the child. Population for the study was 21,972 fifth grade student’s mothers which were from 755 primary schools. Sample of the study was 20% student’s mothers out of 50 primary schools selected randomly. Two scales Maternal Overprotection Scale (MOS) and Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS) were developed and validated qualitatively. Reliability alpha of MOS was .75 while the AMS was .71. The data was analyzed by descriptive (mean, median, percentage, standard deviation) and inferential statistic (independent sample t test, ANOVA, and Pearson r) trough SPSS. The study found a significant mean difference  between groups concerning the child's age; it refers that for lesser ages, maternal overprotection is higher. For maternal overprotection based on gender, the mean value for males was 89.58, and for females, 91.61 referring that compared to male children, female children are overprotected. Furthermore, maternal overprotection concerning the mother's age was found to have a significant mean difference. However, there was no significant difference for Housewife and On-Job groups. There was found to be a significant mean difference respective to the maternal overprotection and qualification of the mother and showed that with increasing age or as one gets older, the mean difference increases. As for the Academic Achievement Motivation score, the study found no significant difference based on age. Likewise, based on gender, the study found no significant mean difference in the Academic Achievement Motivation score. It is recommended that the govt. should launch a widespread campaign on media on the importance of maternal protection of their child to succeed better in academic life. Moreover, the teacher may also inform parents about its importance through parent teacher council (PTC) forum.

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