Measuring Stress, Quality Of Health And Life In Dental Students With Temporomandibular Disorders

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Madeeha Nazar , Naima Shariff , Sadaf Humayoun , Zarrah Wasim , Warda Zafar


Introduction: Stress, characterized by anxiety and dread, affects wellbeing in various aspects of life. Dentistry is one of the most stressful occupations, with studies linking it to hypertension and TMD. This study aims to understand how students' emotional states relate to oral tissue parafunction and muscle tone.

Methodology: The study analyzed the psychological condition of first and final year BDS students at private teaching institute, using a two-part questionnaire and analyzing prevalence data using Student's t-tests or chi-square tests.

Results: The study analyzed 56 first-year and 65 final-year students, with the first-year group being significantly younger. Clinical and psycho-emotional findings showed significant differences between the two groups. The mean masseter tone values in the final year were greater than in the first year, with 32% of students reporting discomfort in their temporomandibular joints. Self-reported bruxism was also significantly higher in the final year, with a larger rate compared to the first year. Teeth wear was more common in the final year, with 42% of students exhibiting signs of tooth wear. Linea alba was more prevalent in the first year (67%) than in the final (29%). No discernible difference was found for crenated tongue. The PSS-10 score showed greater levels of perceived stress in first-year students than final-year students. The HADS-Anxiety score showed a noticeable difference in stress and anxiety levels between the two groups.

Conclusion: Undergraduate dentistry students experience stress and anxiety, highlighting the need for mental health support with dental education. Addressing psychological well-being promotes success and self-care, recognizing unique challenges and implementing strategies for academic and emotional success.

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