Exploring The Socio-Cultural Factors Underlying Honor Killings In Pakistan: An Overview Of District Swat

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Shazia Hakeem , Dr. Shahbaz Khan


Honor killings are deeply ingrained acts of violence against women found across cultures worldwide, targeting those accused of sexual misconduct or deviating from societal norms. Despite attempts to advance gender equality and human rights, honor killings persist as a global problem. Pakistan experiences a high prevalence of honor killings due to societal pressures, discrimination, and violence against women, enforced by the concept of honor known as "Izzat," which places tremendous expectations on women to conform. Recognized as discrimination and a violation of women's rights, the United Nations identifies honor killings as a grave human rights issue undermining gender equality. Efforts at national and international levels have been made to combat the issue, establishing organizations and legal frameworks to protect women. Nevertheless, honor killings persist, necessitating increased action and awareness. Challenging patriarchal norms, promoting gender equality, empowering women, providing education, and driving cultural change are crucial steps toward eliminating honor killings and establishing a fairer and more equitable society for all. The present study is an attempt to provide an insight for understanding honour killing and its prevalence at world and Pakistan level.

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