Impact Of Concept Based Activities (CBA) On Self-Concept Of Students In General Science At Elementary School Level
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This study aimed whether the concept-based activities enhance the self-concepts of students in subject of general science at elementary level. Concept based activities (CBA) were used as a tool to improve self-concept among elementary level children in learning process of general science. A sample of 100 students from Government Girls Primary School Dingi and Government Boys Primary school Dingi were selected by using purposive sampling technique for school selection and stratified random sampling technique was applied to groups selection. On the basis of pre-test, two groups were formed one was designated as experimental and the other was as control group. The short version of Piers-Harris Scale (PHCSCS-2) scale was used as a tool to measure self-concept among young children of grade-5 level before and after treatment. The experimental group was taught through concept- based activities (CBA) for producing self-concept among themselves while the control group was taught traditional lecture method (TLM). After twelve weeks of teaching to both groups the researcher administered posttest to both groups The analysis of collected data was done by using mean scores, standard deviation and independent sample T-Test with Cohens D for effect of size to compare student’s self-concept in both groups. The results showed a significant difference between scores in two groups. The concept-based activities (CBA) as independent variable was an effective practice for experimental group.