Assessment Of Mental Orientation And Social Adjustment Of Persons With Visual Impairment
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The study examined the influence of assessment of mental orientation and social adjustment of persons with visual impairment. In order to carry out this study, specified research objectives were drawn from which null hypotheses were formulated and used for the study. The research design for this study is a survey design. People in Madaba who are visually challenged make up the study's population. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 398 respondents out of the population. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by experts in Test and Measurement. Crombach Alpha reliability technique was used for testing the reliability of the instrument and reliability index of .84 was realized, hence the instrument was regard as being reliable. Data from completed questionnaires was subjected to descriptive statistics and an independent t-test. The significance threshold of the test was set at 0.05. The study recommended that research advice that people in the home, the classroom, and the wider society adopt more positive attitudes toward people with vision impairment. The social development of a child or adult with visual impairment may be enhanced if parents and educators at all stages of the child's schooling take the time to recognise and appreciate his or her individual qualities.