Journal of Positive School Psychology <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"><img style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" src="" alt="" width="214" height="303" /></div> <div class="col-sm-2 currentIssueInfoAuthor"> <p><strong>Journal Information</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN:</strong> 2717-7564<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> Monthly<br /><strong>Indexing: </strong><em class=""> Scopus , EBSCO<br /></em></p> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="jrnl_sum"> <div class="jrnl_txt"> <h2 style="font-weight: 600;">Journal of Positive School Psychology (JPSP)</h2> <div style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>ISSN:</em> 2717-7564 (Online)</strong><br /><em>Publication Frequency:</em> Monthly. <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Positive School Psychology (ISSN 2717-7564) published now by ASR Research India is a peer-reviewed journal covering positive psychology and provides an international forum for the science of positive psychology in education and school settings. The JPSP, which is published twelve times a year, is an open-access that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the positive psychology of education and services in school settings. The journal encompasses a full range of methodologies and orientations that include educational, cognitive, social, behavioral, preventive, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives. The JPSP publishes research regarding the education of populations across the life span.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ASR Research Center India en-US Journal of Positive School Psychology 2717-7564 The Level Of Emotional Intelligence And Its Relationship To Making Friends For The Female Students With Learning Disabilities From Their Teachers’ Perspective <p>The current study aimed to discover the level of emotional intelligence and its relationship with making friends for the female students with learning disabilities from their teachers’ perspective. The study simple consisted of 8 learning disabilities teachers answered on behalf of 60 students with learning disabilities in primary schools in the west of Dammam.</p> <p>The study followed descriptive method to suit to the purposes of the objectives of that study. There are two tools are established: 1. the emotional intelligence scale for the students with LD. 2. the making friends scale for female students with LD.</p> <p>To calculated the psychometric properties, the Alpha Cronbach equation and used, and the result of the study came with that the level of emotional intelligence and making friends for the students with LD in primary schools in the west of Dammam was high, and there’re weakened in the dimension of motivation, emotional management and its relationship with social skills. And the relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and making friends was medium to large and strong. The Study came out with some recommendations and this was the necessity of preparing educators and training them to employ emotional intelligence within the skills of students with learning disabilities and using educational strategies that stimulate building relationships and motivation and making friends, as well as Emotion management to students with learning disabilities through various educational programs.</p> Sabreen Al-Awathem , Dr. Mariam Alnaim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 8 1 1 14 Secondary Teachers’ Attitudes Regarding Educational Supervision <p>This paper aims to identify secondary teachers' perspectives regarding educational supervision as well as the role of the inspector in convincing teachers of his/her applied supervisory method. The previous viewpoint has given way to a new one that believes in the developmental supervision method, as this new method stems from the supervisor's ability to anticipate the future and stay current on educational developments in the professional development field. This includes the ability to forecast future educational needs for the organization and the administrative direction of education. In addition, the developmental supervision method comprises the presentation of educational innovations and their incorporation into study programs, content, practices, and means, as well as the target audience. The goal is to prepare in advance for new roles and tasks to instill a sense of seriousness in the educational process and propel it forward.</p> Dr.Mekki Sihem , Dr. Djamel Belbekkai Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 15 24 Approaches TO Writing Scientific Research Papers <p>This study explores the methodologies for editing scientific research articles in the field of social sciences, incorporating bibliographic research considerations. Emphasis is placed on organizing and presenting both the formal and conceptual structures of the articles in a coherent manner. While correct formal structures are essential, issues in content often persist. The articles are delineated into specific sections (abstract, keywords, introduction and materials, main topics, conclusion, discussion, conclusions, recommendations, and references), with attention to the conceptual aspects of each segment. The significance of this study lies in guiding authors through the process of crafting bibliographically researched essays and providing insights into initiating and concluding essays within the social sciences. The article employs bibliographic research and descriptive and analytical methods. The key takeaway is the importance of aligning the scientific article with the policies of the institution, maintaining a cohesive formal structure from inception to conclusion, and ensuring a conceptual coherence across all sections. Each segment can be approached with consideration for specific theories.</p> Sayed Asghar Hashimi (Ph.D) , Jalaludin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 8 1 25 35 Distance Learning From The University Professor’s Point Of View <p>This research aims to explore the perspectives of some professors at the Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi Ouzou regarding the distance learning variable, as a parallel pattern to face-to-face education. The researcher used the descriptive approach as it is the most suitable for studying such phenomena. The research sample consisted of 23 professors who were randomly selected. A questionnaire was applied to collect information about the topic. Several statistical methods were used to analyze the data, such as Cronbach's alpha, Shapiro-Wilk test, and one-way ANOVA test, in addition to some descriptive statistical methods to describe the study variables. One of the most important results reached is that there are no statistically significant differences in the mean responses of professors regarding the distance learning variable attributed to speciality, and teaching experience.</p> Kaddour Atmane Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 36 49 The Effectiveness Of The Role (Family And Work) Among Working Mothersin Educational Institutions In Bordj Bou Arreridj (Field Study) <p>The aim of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of both the familial and occupational roles among a sample of working mothers in educational institutions at different levels (elementary, middle, and high school) in Bordj Bou Arréridj during the academic year (2023-2024). Using a descriptive approach and the researcher's questionnaire, administered to a sample of 129 employees, after statistically processing the field study data, the results revealed the following:</p> <ul> <li>The effectiveness of the familial role is high among a sample of working mothers in some educational institutions in Bordj Bou Arréridj.</li> <li>The effectiveness of the occupational role is high among a sample of working mothers in some educational institutions in Bordj Bou Arréridj.</li> <li>There are statistically significant differences in the familial role based on the variable of children's age among a sample of working mothers in some educational institutions in Bordj Bou Arréridj.</li> <li>There are no statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of the occupational role based on the variable of years of experience in the study sample.</li> <li>There are no statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of the occupational role in the study sample based on the educational level to which the working mothers belong. The results were interpreted in accordance with the theoretical heritage, explanatory theories, and previous studies on the subject. Finally, this study concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals.</li> </ul> Assia Bouras ,Malika Ben Bordi , Abdelkarim Maamoun , Hamza Lazazga Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 8 1 50 67 Internal And External Challenges Facing Arab Educational Systems In Light Of Globalization <p>The current study aims to highlight the most significant internal and external challenges facing Arab educational systems in the era of globalization. In addressing this topic, the researcher presented information about the phenomenon of educational globalization, its dimensions, and challenges using a descriptive approach. In conclusion, the study provided a set of solutions to confront these challenges. The study also concluded with a set of recommendations, including the idea that there is no meaning to renew the curriculum without adaptation. Educational reform is meaningless without considering the specificity, culture, and values of the society. Additionally, facing these challenges is only possible by developing an educational philosophy derived from our Islamic law.</p> Dr. Hamida Zemouri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 8 1 68 76 The Required Competencies Of Professors University Requirements For Achieving The Quality In Teaching <p>Achieving quality in the teaching process has become an urgent necessity sought by those in charge of educational systems and educational institutions, and the success of the educational process is closely linked to the presence of a key actor who ensures the achievement of this quality, and who possesses the competencies, skills, and abilities that help him manage and facilitate the teaching and learning process. The university professor, in his new roles, is required to develop and achieve the goals of the pedagogical processAnd To improve the quality of services, outputs, processes and inputs within the teaching classroom to the extent that ensures the needs of development and the requirements of society in general and the needs of higher education institutions in particular.</p> Kias Abderrachid , Boukhedouni Toufik , Cherbal Mostefa , Milat Sabrina , Boulacheb Hakima , Bouab Redouane Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 8 1 77 85 The Level Of Organizational Loyalty Among The Workers Of The Youth Institutions Bureau In Djelfa <p>The study aimed to identify the level of organizational loyalty to the Office of Youth Institutions in Djelfa. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted as it is the most appropriate to the subject of the study. The study population may consist of a simple random sample estimated at: 126 employees The questionnaire was the means of data collection, which consisted of two parts, the first part is information about the employee. The second part is about organizational loyalty Spss program was used to analyze the data, through which the frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, and testT tests were obtained. The study found: - There is high loyalty among the workers of the Youth Institutions Bureau in the state of Djelfa.&nbsp; - There are no statistically significant differences due to demographic variables (gender, age, family status, educational qualification, experience).</p> Hassani Mohamed , Ben khaled Abdelkrim , Ferhat Ahmed , Mimoun Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-18 2024-01-18 8 1 86 96 Quality Of Life For Children With Special Needs <p>Quality of life for children with special needs is a subject worthy of attention. Quality of life encompasses a range of factors that impact the happiness and well-being of these children, including physical, psychological, and social factors. Research in this field aims to better understand the experiences and needs of children with special needs and how to improve their quality of life.</p> <p>Studies indicate that several factors influence the quality of life of these children, including social support from family, community, and school, access to appropriate medical, educational, and psychological services, and a sense of belonging and acceptance in society. Studies also show that attention to individual diversity and the specific needs of each child can play a significant role in improving their quality of life.</p> <p>In this research, we discuss the influencing factors on the quality of life for children with special needs, the ways to achieve it, and the role of the psychologist and artificial intelligence in enhancing their quality of life.</p> Hind Ghedhaifi , Chourouk Hmidi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 97 105 Teenage Pregnancy Among Bachelor Of Science In Criminology Students <p>The study dealt on factors that affects teenage pregnancies among the Criminology students. The study looked into the factors affecting teenage pregnancies among the B.S. Criminology students as to family, personal and environmental. The study made use of the descriptive-case study. It utilized the qualitative research in gathering data from identified participants using open-ended questions. The individual’s mentality about teenage pregnancy and behaviour is of great influence to this study. The family contributes if it does not perform its expected role and is fueled by the influences of the environment. Teenage pregnancies among students can absolutely disturb their concentration in their studies resulting to dropping out of school. Regrets are experienced after all such involvement but at the same time the respondents were challenged with their experiences. The researchers recommended that parents will advise their children on the effects of early intimate relationships and early pregnancies; First and second year B.S. Criminology female students to undergo seminars on how to deal with peer influence; setting priorities as students; consequences of early sexual involvement; responsible sexuality; possible effects of live-in partners;&nbsp; requirements and challenges of an functional family; and the effects of lack of emotional cohesiveness of a child and a mother.</p> Depayso, Veneranda P. , Flordeliza G. Cruz (Corresponding Author) Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 106 115 Achievement In Arabic Language And Mathematics Subjects For Primary School Students In Relation To The Logical-Mathematical Intelligence And Spatial Visual Intelligence <p>The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between two types of multiple intelligences, namely logical-mathematical intelligence and spatial-visual intelligence, and academic achievement in the subjects of Arabic language and mathematics among primary school students. The descriptive method was used, relying on the Arabic version of the Gardner's logical-mathematical and spatial-visual intelligence scales for school-age children, translated by Mohammed (2006), as well as the results of achievement tests for the relevant subjects in the third term of the academic year 2021/2022. The study sample included 72 students from Ghania Ahmed and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq schools in Béchar, Wadi El-Abiod, Algeria. After data analysis using the Pearson statistical method, the study results showed a statistically significant relationship between logical-mathematical intelligence and academic achievement in the subjects of Arabic language and mathematics. However, there was no statistically significant relationship between spatial-visual intelligence and academic achievement in the subjects of Arabic language and mathematics.</p> Guenoua Abdellatif , Moussaoui Ferhat , Bellamouchi Abderrazak Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 116 133 E-Learning During The Coronavirus Pandemic From A University Professor's Perspective: A Field Study On A Sample Of Professors In Ouargla City <p>The study aimed to uncover the attitudes of university professors towards the use of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the University of Ouargla. The study sample consisted of 116 professors who were engaged in teaching during the spread of the coronavirus. The researchers relied on a questionnaire to measure the attitudes of university professors towards the use of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the University of Ouargla. The results indicated that the nature of the attitudes of university professors towards the use of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the University of Ouargla was positive.</p> Zekkour Mohamed Moufida , GHEZAL Naima , Hadj Mahammed Yahia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 134 143 Relationship Of Phonological Awareness With Reading Ability Among Third Grade Elementary Students With Dyslexia <p>The study aimed to investigate the relationship between phonological awareness and reading ability among third-grade students with reading difficulties. To achieve the study's objectives, a descriptive correlational approach was adopted, and a sample of 36 male and female students in the third grade with reading difficulties was included. The following instruments were used: Raven's Matrices Test, Reading Test (high-frequency words, low-frequency words, pseudo-words), and Phonological Awareness Test. Data analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, employing the correlation coefficient "eta-squared." The study's results revealed a statistically significant correlation between phonological awareness and reading ability among third-grade students with reading difficulties across all levels (high-frequency words, low-frequency words, pseudo-words).</p> Montasser Messaouda , Boubaker Bouzenna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 144 161 The Reality Of Occupational Health And Safety From The View Point Of Health Workers Sector In Light Of Covid 19 <p>The following study aims to identify the reality of occupational health and safety from the point of view of health sector workers in light of Covid 19, as well as to identify the differences according to the variables of gender and service. The study took place at the hospital of Ghriss in the state of Mascara. Data was processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and the study revealed the following results:</p> <p>- The reality of occupational health and safety from the point of view of health sector workers in light of COVID-19 is high.</p> <p>- According to the gender variable, there are no differences in the reality of occupational health and safety from the point of view of health sector workers under Covid 19.</p> <p>- Depending on the variable of service and in favor of the Service of Medical Emergencies, the Laboratory of Analysis and the service of Covid 19, there are differences in the reality of occupational health and safety from the point of view of health sector workers under Covid 19.</p> Benmoussa Abdelouahab , Boufera Mokhtar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 8 1 162 174 Psychology Of Defense Mechanisms In Bullied Children At School: A Clinical Study Of Three Cases <p>Bullying has become a common and serious problem among students in schools. Research confirms the negative effects that remain in a child's memory and affect their mental health, leading them to resort to defense mechanisms to reduce its severity. This was the focus of our study titled "Defense Mechanisms Psychology in Bullied Children at School." We adopted a clinical approach including interviews and observations through case studies. Three cases were deliberately selected: a 10-year-old male in fifth grade, a 6-year-old female in first grade, and a 12-year-old male in the second year of middle school. To crystallize this study, we used Adham Rajab Al-Khafaji's Bullying Victims Scale and the Children's Understanding of the Topic (CAT) test. The findings revealed that the most commonly used defense mechanisms by bullied children at school were projection, identification, repression, displacement, and regression.</p> Touhami Soufyane , Lakhal Mustapha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 175 186 Psychological Persuasion Manifestations In Speech Of The Prophet Noah, Peace Be Upon Him, With His People Through Noah Surah <p><em>The research deals with manifestations of psychological persuasion in speech of the prophet Noah, Peace Be Upon Him, with his people through Noah surah. This is analytic qualitative research that followed the analytical approach of the Quranic verses of the surah in order to identify the main psychological persuasion elements indicated in&nbsp; the discourse of&nbsp; the Prophet Noah. Basically, the study has divided in two chapters. The first one tackles an overview of Noah surah and its main psychological concepts. However, the second chapter exposes the main elements of psychological persuasion in the prophet Noah speech. Mainly, the research could convey the most important psychological characteristics of the Prophet Noah speech through Noah Surah and the features of the psychological stages included in his story with his people. Furthermore, the study found that Noah's speech with his people has included three types of psychological persuasion to make them believe in Allah. These types are emotional psychological persuasion, psychosocial persuasion and mental&nbsp; psychological persuasion.</em></p> Elhadfa Laabed , Dr. Mohammad Syifa Amin Widigodo , Dr. Mohamad Azhar & Dr. Fitriah M.Suud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 8 1 187 198 The Level Of Soft Skills Inclusion In The 6th Grade English Textbooks <p>This study aimed to determine the level of soft skills inclusion in the sixth-grade English textbooks.</p> <p>The Study adopted the descriptive method. To achieve the objective of the study a content analysis was used, of the English textbooks (We Can 5-6, In 2023 renamed We Can 3), for the academic year 1444. The tools used for collecting data, prepared by the researchers, were a content analysis card of the soft skills that should be included in the sixth-grade English textbooks, and an exploratory questionnaire which was distributed to 261 Saudi Arabia's 6<sup>th</sup>-grade English teachers. The main tool was a list of soft skills that should be included in the sixth-grade English textbooks, after verifying the tool's validity and reliability, it was converted to a content analysis card and was statistically analyzed by extracting the frequencies and percentages.</p> <p>The study found the following results: (1) Determining a list of soft skills that should be included in the content of the English language textbooks for the 6th grade. It consisted of 3 main areas of skills, 7 related subskills, and 30 indicators. (2) The number of subskills that were included in the content of We Can 3 textbooks reached 899 skills, of which 346 were related to the field of personal skills, 220 were related to the field of social skills, and 333 were related to the field of cognitive skills. (3) The personal skills were the highest included in the content of the activities of the We Can 3 textbooks with a percentage of 38%, followed by cognitive skills with a percentage of 37%, and finally, social skills with a percentage of 24%. (4) Personal skills were included in We Can 3 textbooks with 346 indicators and a percentage of 38%, followed by cognitive skills with 333 indicators and a percentage of 37%, and finally, social skills, with 220 indicators and 24% percentage. (5) Based on an exploratory questionnaire given to Saudi English teachers by the researchers, it is evident that the sixth-grade English textbooks have a low rate of soft skills.</p> Khalid Mohammed Rashid Alhomidhi , Hanan Abdulhadi Abdullah Alakshan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 8 1 199 224 Evaluation Of The Impact Of The Phonological Loop On Attentional Control In Deaf Children With Cochlear Implants Attending Primary School <p>The interest of the present study is to understand the impact that the phonological loop could have on attentional control in deaf children with cochlear implants. We selected two groups, each composed of 20 children. The first group is made up of hearing children, the second group of children with cochlear implants, all of whom are enrolled in primary education. We subjected both groups to tests of working memory in its phonological loop aspect, as well as the STROOP attentional control test. The results of the comparison of the average scores show an inferiority in terms of scores relating to the phonological loop for group 1 with much higher scores in terms of interference. The correlation study of the scores of group2 shows a strong correlation proportionally inverse to the interference scores. The limited capacity of the phonological loop would explain attentional control below the norm. The nature of fairly automated language in these children seems to explain these results.</p> Belhaouchet Karim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 8 1 225 233 Podcasting Via Youtube: From Building Self And Social Awareness To Developing Public Taste A Field Study On A Sample Of Algerian Youth Following Audio-Visual Blogging <p>This study aimed to monitor and investigate the nature of podcast programs' contributions and their positive effects at two closely related levels: self-awareness and sociological awareness among the youth. It attempted to touch upon the most important indicators that manifest after receiving this type of content published on the YouTube platform, striving to elevate the cognitive and behavioral levels, and ultimately leading to the development of public taste through a series of changes that reflect progress and awareness. This study, conducted through a survey on a sample of 170 Algerian youths who follow podcast programs, concluded that these programs are one of the most direct sources in building the socio-psychological awareness of the youth.</p> Islam Chenia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 8 1 234 247 Employment For Students With Disabilities: A Systematic Review <p>Finding employment opportunities for individuals with special needs continues to be a challenge. In this systematic review, the researcher presents a comprehensive overview of supportive work environments that can increase the rate of employment for people with special needs. This study aims to answer the following research question: What are the solutions proposed and recommended by previous studies to counter the decline in employment among individuals with disabilities? In total, 12 studies met the inclusion criteria. The results highlight the importance of communicating and working with individuals with special needs, as well as preparing and training them to overcome the unemployment rate. Strategies include establishing a curriculum for social skills based on work, implementing the project SEARCH model, providing job accommodations, and offering job accommodations.</p> Rawiya Alansari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-02 2024-05-02 8 1 248 258 Self-Esteem And Ambition Among Retaking Students In The Baccalaureate Certificate: A Field Study In The Greater Ouargla Region, Algeria <p>This study aimed to investigate the nature of the relationship between self-esteem and ambition among retaking students in the Baccalaureate Certificate in Ouargla. It also examined the differences in this relationship based on gender, specialization, and the number of retakes. In light of the study's objectives and hypotheses, a descriptive correlational approach was adopted. The study relied on two instruments: "Self-Esteem" by Cooper Smith and an ambition scale designed by the researcher. After ensuring the validity and reliability of the instruments, the study was conducted on a sample of 277 retaking male and female students in the Baccalaureate Certificate from selected secondary schools in the Greater Ouargla region using simple random sampling. The study yielded the following results:</p> <ul> <li>There is a statistically significant relationship between self-esteem and ambition among retaking students in the Baccalaureate Certificate.</li> <li>The relationship between self-esteem and ambition does not differ based on gender (males, females) among retaking students in the Baccalaureate Certificate.</li> <li>The relationship between self-esteem and ambition differs based on specialization (science, literature) among retaking students in the Baccalaureate Certificate.</li> <li>The relationship between self-esteem and ambition does not differ based on the number of retakes (once, more than once) among retaking students in the Baccalaureate Certificate.</li> </ul> Meryem Ben Krima , Okil Ben Saci Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 8 1 259 273