ASEAN and APEC Perspectives of Philippine ICT Roadmaps

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Ravenal A. De Jesus


This paper presented the synthesis of various perspectives involving the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) environment in the Philippines. These perspectives are referenced from Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Asia – Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) where the Philippines is a Member State and Member Economy respectively.  First, various engineering disciplines were delineated based from its respective statutes in order to determine the scopes of the same that cover ICT practices. Second, both ICT and allied engineering disciplines (particularly the Electronics Engineering) were elaborated and compared with international definitions. Third, the Philippine ICT Roadmaps were compared with the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 and APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap in order to analyze possible opportunities as well as areas for improvements. Fourth, various ICT programs and projects in the Philippines as well as selected ICT Policy Instruments were also presented and compared with its ASEAN/APEC counterparts. Fifth, the roles of Electronics Engineering (ECE) profession were presented especially its contribution to the ICT industries in the Philippines. Finally, conclusions and/or recommendations were indicated for future reference.

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