Effect Of Role Play Method On Teaching English Speaking Skill At Secondary Level In Public Schools Of District Mianwali
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The study was designed to check the effect of role play method on English speaking skill of the students. Basic objectives of the research were to find the effect of role play on vocabulary and grammar of the students as these were important sub skills of English speaking. The study used single group experimental design of research. Population of the study was female students of public secondary schools of district Mianwali. The sample consisted of 25 students of class IX of Government Girls High School Chack No 1 M.L. A scale for the assessment of English speaking was developed by the researcher to grade grammar and vocabulary from 1 to 5 levels. Experiment was conducted for three months in which students were taught speaking English using role play method. Before and after experiment, speaking ability was assessed by the same tool. Data were analyzed using SPSS by paired sample t-test. The results of the experiment rejected null hypotheses that there was no difference between the performance of students in pretest and posttest regarding grammar and vocabulary. The results showed that grammar and vocabulary were affected by experiment. Further, the study recommended comparison of role play method with other methods of teaching speaking skill.