Transforming Reflective Practices: A Case Study Of Primary Teachers In Pakistan
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The intent of this study is to explore the role of head teacher in transforming reflective practices in government primary schools. Reflection is a high impact practice that develops teacher’s pedagogical practices which ultimately develop and facilitates the development of new knowledge and skills. Reflective practices enable teachers to continually examine their own thoughts, perspectives, beliefs, and actions. Findings of this study revealed what sort of research is needed to train and prepare primary teachers to make instructional decisions regarding their classroom practices as a strategy of continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program. This study was based on the objective: To investigate the role of school head teacher in primary school teacher’s reflection. The study follows qualitative research design and was based on exploratory single case study design. The instruments used for data collection were included semi structured interview, analysis of primary school teacher’s reflective diaries and observational notes of participant teacher lessons in order to find out the complete process of reflective practice in the context of Government primary school. The participants of this study included teachers of grade 1 to grade 5 and the head teacher. For data analysis content analysis method was applied and thematic categories were developed for interpretations. The findings of this study revealed that reflective process create sophisticated teaching learning process as well better students learning outcomes. It was found that the head teachers accomplished central role in enhancing process of reflective practices. It is recommended that the head teacher needs to carry out planning and continuity of a process of reflective practice, arranging of seminars, formulating the goals of reflection for different purposes making an observation notes, communicating and cooperating with teachers and to support teachers’ reflective practices.