Investigating The Relationship Between Five-Factor Personality Model And Emotional Intelligence With Religious Orientation In Male And Female Teachers Of Bam City, Iran
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Goal: The present research investigates the relationship between the big five personality traits and emotional intelligence with religious orientation among male and female teachers of Bam, Iran. The statistical population of the research consists of all primary level teachers of the city of Bam in the academic year of 2018-2019.
Research methodology: Using the single-stage cluster random sampling method, fifteen schools from all primary schools of Bam were randomly selected as the sample size, and all teachers at these schools participated in the present research as a statistical sample. Accordingly, the sample consisted of 160 teachers (110 females and 50 males), and they were asked to fill in the NEO Five-Factor Personality Scale (1992), Schutte et al.’s Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (2008), and Allport and Ross’s Religious Orientation Scale (1976). Statistical indicators such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination were used to describe and examine data.
Findings: Results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between neuroticism and religious orientations among teachers (p<0.01); there is a positive and significant relationship between extraversion and religious orientation among teachers (p<0.01); there is a positive and significant relationship between agreeableness and religious orientation among teachers (p<0.01); there is a positive and significant relationship between openness and religious orientation among teachers; there is a positive and significant relation between conscientiousness and religious orientation among teachers, and there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and religious orientate among teachers (p<0.05).