A Research Study Of Qur'anic Discussion In Tauzeeh Ul-Bayan Fi Usool-E-Qur'an Written By (Alama Barakat Ullah)
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This study was conducted to answer the objections of “Allama Barakat Ullah” in his manuscript “Tauzeeh Ul-Bayan Fi Usool-e-Qur'an” regarding the Quran. For this purpose a number of authentic sources were explored to answer the raised objections. It was found that he tried to prove the supremacy of the Bible over the Holly Quran through unknown Muslim scholar’s weak arguments, fabricated hadiths and self explanation of the verses of the Holly Quran. Next, he was of the opinion that the Quran was not a universal book as compare to Bible. The answer to this objection was answered in very comprehensive way. Furthermore, he protested that the imagine of God found in the Quran was incomplete as compare to the Bible. This objection was answered in a thought provoking way by using authentic sources as well views of well-known Muslim scholars.