The Impact Of Educational Technology Innovations In The Quality And Enhancement Of The World Ranking Of The University Of Babylon - Iraq
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The study sought to identify the extent of the impact of educational technology in the quality of education and to enhance the level of world ranking of the University of Babylon (study population) on a sample of its teachers, which consisted of (90) person from the university to express their opinions through a questionnaire developed for this purpose, descriptive statistics were used and simple linear regression to enterprise the relationship between the variables. The study reached that there is an effect relationship. In the use and employment of educational technology (independent variable) in the dimensions of the quality of higher education (dependent variable) (quality of curricula, quality of scientific research, quality of libraries, and quality of university teachers). Which has an impact on enhancing the level of world ranking of the University. The study recommends that the University of Babylon should pay more attention to the use and employment of educational technology and its innovations, as it has not achieved a high level in this field. It is also a national project that can be invested in its.