Effect Of Organizational Justice On Turnover Intention Through Job Satisfaction Among Teacher Educators In Public Universities
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This paper focuses teacher education to explore organizational justice effects towards employee’s turnover intention while considering employee’s job satisfaction as a mediator. Only teacher educators who belonged to the public universities of Punjab, Pakistan were taken for this study. It is an ex post facto study. For holistic analysis, census was applied to collect data through quantitative survey involving all the teacher educators working in public universities. For this purpose, a questionnaire was used after adapting three previously established questionnaires to measure organizational justice, turnover intention and job satisfaction. In this study Structural Equality Modelling (SEM), a multivariate analytical technique, was applied on the data to analyze it through inferential statistics as well as descriptive. Results reveals that dimensions of organizational justice i.e. procedural, distributive & interactive has directly affect turnover intention among teacher educators. However, job satisfaction is found a significant mediator between organizational justice and employee’s turnover intention. Such study may also be conducted to compare the situation among public and private universities in the Punjab and other provinces of Pakistan. This study is a valuable contribution to understand teacher education in Pakistan.