A Research Review Of The Types Of Moral Teachings In The Light Of Quran
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The main topic of this research article is a research review of the types of moral teachings in Islam. From the literature review, it has been found that the moral sense of every human being has been entrusted by nature by the Creator of the universe, based on which, on the one hand, the goodness And knows the difference between evil and wants to embrace good on the other hand. However, this ability is potentially present in man, not actually. There are certain requirements that have to be fulfilled to give it a shape, grow it and mold it into a practical form. For this purpose, he needs to work hard in a special way. This is the case here. The purpose of all the teachings of Islam is to refine this hidden quality and bring the human being to the highest level of morals, where he can be a figure of mercy and grace, compassion and benevolence, and beneficence and benevolence for the whole universe be free and on the other hand, by attaining the pleasure and pleasure of Allah, you can enjoy eternal happiness. Islam has used two means in particular to push man to this destination.