The Effect Of Personality Teacher Pancasila And Civic Education On The Social Character Forming Of Students At Sma Negeri 14 Medan
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With the agenda for Strengthening Character Education developed in Indonesia, the support of Pancasila and Civic Education plays an increasingly important role. It imagines that Pancasila and Civic Education holds propaganda for strengthening people and initiators of character education. The quantitative method with the type of correlation states the relationship. The population is class XI students, totaling 351 students, and the number of samples taken in this study is 10% of the number of students in class XI (351), namely 35 students with cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques are observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis using quantitative statistical methods with product moment calculations. The results showed a positive relationship between the influences of the teacher's personality competence on the formation of the social character of students at SMA Negeri 14 Medan, which was 14.44%. This is evidenced by the t count being more significant than the r table or 0.38> 0.334 so that the coefficient of variable X and variable Y is significant, where the r-table at n = 35 at the 5% level is 0.334. The results of the study using the t-test obtained that t-count is 2.354 and t-table 2.030 at a significant level of 5% degrees of freedom (DK) = n-2 (35-2=33), so t-count> t-table (2,354>2,030). Thus the alternative hypothesis (Ha) can be accepted, which indicates a positive relationship between the influences of the personality competence of Civics Education on the formation of students' social character at SMA Negeri 14 Medan.