Educational Images As An Educational Tool And Its Relationship To The Process Of Thinking Among Students At The Faculty Of Basic Education In Kuwait
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The study aimed to identify educational images as an educational tool and their relationship to the thinking process of students at the Faculty of Basic Education in Kuwait. The researcher used the survey analytical descriptive method. The sample of the study consisted of (412) students from the study community, who were randomly selected. And measure the thought process the results showed that the mathematical averages of the level of educational images as an educational tool ranged from (3.81to4.18),)to a high degree, to a ratio of (83.6%-76.2%), and the overall score (3.93)came high, and by 78.6%. ( The averages of the level of thinking among students ranged from(3.80to4.09),) to a high degree, to a ratio of (81.8%-76%), the total score (3.90) came high, and by 78% the results showed no statistically significant differences (= 0.05) attributable to the effect of gender on educational images as an educational tool and the process of thinking. The study found a statistically positive relationship between educational images as an educational tool and the thinking process of students in the Faculty of Basic Education.