Modeling And Optimization Of Strengthening Creativity: An Empirical Study Using A Pop-Hr Approach
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Teachers who have high creativity in teaching always take advantage of new information and approaches in teaching so that learning activities take place fun. Creative teachers are encouraged to innovate in creating new learning media, using varied learning methods to support the effectiveness of the learning process. This study aims to produce ways and strategies for strengthening creativity by analyzing the influence of transformational leadership variables, teamwork, work motivation, and knowledge sharing. These variables were found during preliminary research using qualitative research stages. This study uses the path analysis method to determine the influence between the variables studied, to analyze indicators to get optimal solutions to strengthen creativity in this study using the SITOREM method. Based on the SITOREM analysis, an optimal solution was obtained that out of 26 indicators there are 14 indicators that are still weak so that they need to be corrected immediately and there are 12 indicators that are already good and can be maintained or developed.