Cooperative Learning As An Innovative Method In Teaching Science At Elementary Level
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The study aimed to develop cooperative learning techniques for the learning acceleration of children at early elementary level. For this research a pretest and posttest design was adopted. All elementary school students of Punjab Province were the population of the study. 180 students of grade 6th were selected from 3 different schools, 60 students from each school was the sample of the study. The random sampling technique was used to select schools from three different areas; rural, suburban and urban. 60 students of each school were distributed in two equal groups of 30 students each. Control group was taught with traditional method while the Experimental group was taught by applying the activities of cooperative learning. All groups of control and experimental were pre and post tested. The activities were developed from the 12 chapters of General science book of grade 6. Total time period of experiment was based on three months. The study found positive affect of cooperative learning on students’ academic achievement. The study has implications for the use of cooperative learning strategies to enhance the learning of early elementary students.