Effectiveness Of Cognitive Restructuring And Positive Reinforcement Techniques In The Reduction Of Test Anxiety Among Public Secondary School Students In Benin City, Nigeria
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This study examined the effectiveness of Cognitive Restructuring and Positive Reinforcement techniques in the reduction of test anxiety among public secondary school students in Benin city, Nigeria. The pre-test post-test, control group quasi experimental design was used for the study. A sample of 354 intact class students from three purposively selected public secondary schools in Benin city participated in the study. The two treatment groups (experimental groups 1 and 2) were exposed to eight weeks treatment in Cognitive Restructuring and Positive Reinforcement respectively, while participants in the control group received drug abuse education as placebo treatment. The instrument used for collection of data was the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI). Results revealed that Cognitive Restructuring technique and positive reinforcement technique are effective in the reduction of test anxiety scores among secondary school student It was recommended that the school counsellors and school psychologists can use Cognitive restructuring and Positive reinforcement techniques to manage test anxiety behaviours.