The Effectiveness Of Connectivism Based Area Learning Models To Improve Creativity And Social Skills In Arts And Craft In Elementary School Students
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The problem faced by students in grade 2 elementary school is the provision of art and craft learning which is not yet effective, this is indicated by the way learning is implemented which only optimizes one competency, namely coloring or sometimes drawing only, teacher-centered learning, so that students become limited creativity, and problems with social skills. For this reason, it is necessary to provide solutions so that learning fine arts and crafts becomes learning that is able to increase creativity and social skills. To overcome these problems, an area-based learning model is applied, which includes drawing areas, craft areas, and shaping areas. This learning model is a learning model that provides an opportunity for each student to choose what learning area they are interested in. So that the competence of drawing, shaping and crafts can be optimally developed. This research is a quantitative experiment, the number of participants is 26 students. The research design used was one group pretest post test. Analysis of effectiveness data using the Ngain score, namely by comparing the score obtained from the pre-test with the score obtained from the post-test. The result obtained is an increase in creativity with a score of 70.35, which means it is effective. Whereas in the N Gain test related to social skills, a score of g> 0.7023 was included in the high category, in the categorization of the n gain score in the Connectivism-based Area learning model study, the results were included in the high category score because the mean score obtained was more than 0.7. While the mean score is 70.23 so that the categorization is included in the percentage of 56-75 which means that the application of the connectivity-based area model is quite effective in improving students' social skills.