The Diminishing Pax-Americana: Can The US Escape Declinism From Hegemonic Triumphalism
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This paper aims to analyze the probability of diminishing Pax-Americana. The debate pivots around the prospects of continuity of the American global dominance and the likelihood of its hegemonic decline. Usually the existing global hegemon ambitiously strives to maintain status-quo by ensuring order and stability in the international system but the rest of the rising powers try to challenge and transform the world order. The theoretical lens of the neo realism is applicable to the study of world order. Qualitative research approach of data analysis is employed in examining the dynamics and evolutionary phases of the overall world order. The study found that in the early days of the unipolar system, the United States got a unique opportunity of establishing its uncontested hegemony world over. Potentially none of the great powers or even their alliance could counterweight the American global dominance and majority of them undeniably hailed the American worldwide supremacy with a relishing freehand in taking critical decisions of global implications. Washington hardly ever hesitated in engaging any other player, anytime, anywhere and at any cost. However, since the dawn of the 21st century; the self-imposed hegemonic obligations seems to have shrunken the American capability and commitment of maintaining its worldwide supremacy. On the contrary, the rapidly rising China and the resurging Russia have wedged severe challenges to the American global dominance along with further complicating the overall edifice of the world order. The study concluded that ostensibly, the US-led world order is transforming to a new and yet un-elucidated construction in coming decades of the 21st century.